• Fixed an issue using Embed for bookmarks so it doesn’t include the special archiving links along with the post text.

  • This week we released version 3.3 of Micro.blog for macOS, improving bookmark summaries and adding a new import for Glass photos. Choose “Check for Updates” to grab the latest version.

  • For folks using Micro.blog Premium who also have the AI setting enabled, we’re making a change to the “summaries” feature for bookmarked web pages. The auto-generated summaries will now appear across all platforms, not just the web. Hide it and they’ll disappear everywhere.

  • Updated the Mac app to version 3.2.4, fixing a couple issues.

  • Changed how cross-posting checkboxes are shown for the current blog. Should no longer show cross-posting services that are not set. If you notice any new problems, let us know.

  • Fixed an ActivityPub issue verifying signatures. Should improve compatibility with Friendica.

  • Fixed an issue incorrectly showing some blogs as expired.

  • Fixed a new issue with creating or editing standalone pages.

  • Improved creating redirects that are included in your blog navigation menu. There’s now a special option for it when creating a redirect.

  • Improved how book covers are cached. Should more often show the correct cover if there are multiple book sources.

  • Fixed an OAuth issue that could cause errors for some apps, including the new Tapestry beta.

  • Improved the WordPress import to also import draft posts, better handling of potential errors.

  • Updated the tweets archive plug-in to update the URL when searching, so you can now link to a search of all your tweets. Upgrade to version 1.0.3 of the plug-in.

  • Fixed the right margin on mobile for blogs using the Alpine blogroll recommendations plug-in. You can always see if there are new plug-in versions on the Plug-ins page and upgrade with one click.

  • We’ve updated how blog themes are edited. If you don’t have a custom theme, Micro.blog will now create a placeholder one for you, with an “Open” button to edit any templates. There’s a new sidebar of template names, faster search, and faster CSS editing.

    Screenshot of themes editor with sidebar.

  • There were some intermittent errors in Micro.blog today with one of our servers. The problem has been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue with new posts not appearing right away in some cases.

  • Micro.blog for Mac has been updated with a new Get Info window for uploads. Copying HTML for an upload also now includes the auto-generated accessibility text.

  • Strata 1.0.6 for iOS is available, enabling notes syncing for all Micro.blog users.

  • Fixed an issue accidentally sending email newsletters every time a blog post was published when the new “daily” option was set, instead of just once a day with the collected posts.

  • Updated the native Mac app to version 3.2.2 with improvements such as enabling notes for everyone and an option to only show drafts. See the release notes for details.

  • Fixed accidentally showing a message about Micro.blog Premium when trying to use the notes feature, which is now available to all users.

  • Enabled notes to standard plan subscribers. We’ll be updating Strata later.

    Improved performance of publishing by changing how replies are processed. For replies on your blog, we will sometimes only re-publish the most recent year of replies. For people with 10k+ replies, this was over-taxing Hugo.

  • Added a new option for email newsletters with Micro.blog Premium: collecting posts into a daily email for subscribers. Also works to limit the posts to just a specific blog category.

  • We’ve redesigned the Account → “View logs” page a little to be more readable. Also added some logging for the (still beta) automatic cross-posting to Threads.

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