: Fixed an issue using Embed for bookmarks so it doesn’t include the special archiving links …

: This week we released version 3.3 of Micro.blog for macOS, improving bookmark summaries and adding a …

: For folks using Micro.blog Premium who also have the AI setting enabled, we’re making a change …

: Updated the Mac app to version 3.2.4, fixing a couple issues.

: Changed how cross-posting checkboxes are shown for the current blog. Should no longer show …

: Fixed an ActivityPub issue verifying signatures. Should improve compatibility with Friendica.

: Fixed an issue incorrectly showing some blogs as expired.

: Fixed a new issue with creating or editing standalone pages.

: Improved creating redirects that are included in your blog navigation menu. There’s now a …

: Improved how book covers are cached. Should more often show the correct cover if there are multiple …

: Fixed an OAuth issue that could cause errors for some apps, including the new Tapestry beta.

: Improved the WordPress import to also import draft posts, better handling of potential errors.

: Updated the tweets archive plug-in to update the URL when searching, so you can now link to a search …

: Fixed the right margin on mobile for blogs using the Alpine blogroll recommendations plug-in. You …

: We’ve updated how blog themes are edited. If you don’t have a custom theme, Micro.blog …

: There were some intermittent errors in Micro.blog today with one of our servers. The problem has …

: Fixed an issue with new posts not appearing right away in some cases.

: Micro.blog for Mac has been updated with a new Get Info window for uploads. Copying HTML for an …

: Strata 1.0.6 for iOS is available, enabling notes syncing for all Micro.blog users.

: Fixed an issue accidentally sending email newsletters every time a blog post was published when the …

: Updated the native Mac app to version 3.2.2 with improvements such as enabling notes for everyone …

: Fixed accidentally showing a message about Micro.blog Premium when trying to use the notes feature, …

: Enabled notes to standard plan subscribers. We’ll be updating Strata later. Improved …

: Added a new option for email newsletters with Micro.blog Premium: collecting posts into a daily …

: We’ve redesigned the Account → “View logs” page a little to be more readable. Also …

: For developers, we’ve updated the help page for OAuth to document that client_id can now be a …

: This week we’ve rolled out several changes, including: Added a new Sources sidebar link to …

: Fixed slow posting for some users. Should be very fast again!

: We had another issue with hosted blogs, but it should be resolved now. If you continue to see any …

: Apologies for the downtime, another server crashed bringing down portions of the core Micro.blog …

: Hosted blogs experienced errors tonight as we had multiple server failures. Everything should be …

: Micro.blog for iOS has been updated to 3.2.8, improving the photo options screen and how …

: Last week we added a new audio narration feature for blog posts, available to all Micro.blog …

: Micro.blog for iOS has been updated today with these changes: Added uploads search. Added Get Info …

: Added a progress spinner when posting on the web to help feedback with slow posting. Also fixed an …

: Fixed not being able to use Mastodon to sign in for new reply text box unless already signed in to …

: We launched two new related features around replies: you can now curate other people’s replies …

: Reminder that Micro Camp is happening this Friday! It’s our online event for the community, …

: Fixed sending emails for direct messages from the fediverse. We had disabled this temporarily when …

: Added support for using post categories in email newsletter templates.

: Added support in the new post screen on the web for showing the auto-generated photo description if …

: Fixed an issue with stalled photos being processed with AI for search and accessibility text.

: We are investigating a potential security issue. If you ever notice anything strange in your account …

: Fixed adding the first inline link in blog posts to LinkedIn for cross-posting, better matching …

: Fixed replying to some Bluesky user domain names when you get a reply from a Bluesky user.

: Added a help page with a link to Manton’s video about photos search, plus related details, …

: Fixed using <!–more–> in email newsletters to split a post into intro and full …

: Hosted blogs were down briefly tonight. Everything should be running smoothly now and we’re …

: Added a new setting for LinkedIn cross-posting. On the “Edit Sources & …

: Fixed some intermittent errors on the Uploads page.

: Fixed an issue with multiple source feeds where cross-posting might not be enabled. Fixed broken …

: There was some downtime again on the core web platform. It has been resolved. Thanks for your …

: Micro.blog for Android has been updated, catching up with recent changes on the iOS side. Grab the …

: Sorry for the downtime. We had a major server error, all fixed now. 😴

: Using WordPress with Micro.blog? There’s a new version of Micro.blog for iOS in the App Store …

: Fixed a couple new issues, with registering plug-ins, retrieving @-mentions from Bluesky, and Sign …

: Fixed several new issues, including email newsletters not going out this week, and a work-around for …

: Some uploads were delayed today. It’s all fixed now, and anything that didn’t show up …

: Fixed errors with Tumblr cross-posting.

: Fixed a couple additional issues with today’s backend changes, for the following users list …

: Fixed a new issue with emoji and special characters in external RSS feed titles.

: Several fixes were made today, including mentioning Mastodon usernames with dashes in the domains, …

: We deployed a bunch of (mostly) behind-the-scenes changes this morning. There were a couple glitches …

: We had some major server problems overnight, leading to blog publishing and timeline updating not …

: Fixed an issue with accidentally auto-linking URLs inside code blocks.

: Rolled out several minor improvements today, including fixes to dark mode, a new message when …

: We’re upgrading servers today and some photo uploads may be slow to process. In rare cases …

: Updated the Mac app with a few more improvements after the major version 3.2 release a couple days …

: Wavelength for iPhone has been updated with a fix for adding new audio files with the …

: If you missed it this week, Micro.blog for the Mac got a big upgrade. Manton’s blog post has …

: Some very minor design tweaks are rolling out today, mostly subtle changes to buttons, tables, and …

: Improved support for receiving Bluesky replies for manually cross-posted blog posts, in addition to …

: Improved how often Micro.blog checks Bluesky for new mentions, and fixed an issue with showing an …

: Updated the help page about Bluesky and cross-posting to cover expanded support for receiving …

: We had some brief downtime today because of a server error. Everything should be running smoothly …

: Fixed a timezone issue with some incoming webmentions, and an error on the discover recommendations …

: The posts page in Micro.blog on the web should be a tiny bit faster now. Any other pages need to be …

: Fixed some photo uploads to Bluesky when the file size was just over Bluesky’s limit.

: Updated blogrolls to include all recommendations in default OPML and JSON, new export options under …

: Fixed displaying posts from Threads so the extra “threads.net” link isn’t added in …

: Federation from Micro.blog is slower than usual this morning because of extra load. If you’re …

: Improved domain name registrations and transfers to better show status and provide options for …

: Improved how Threads profile photos are handled to avoid blank icons in the timeline.

: Fixed receiving posts from Threads via the fediverse. You can follow users on Threads from …

: Fixed a few layout and link issues, for small screens and the template editor.

: Added a verified checkmark on user profile pages on the web. The checkmark is added if the domain …

: There’s an update to Micro.blog for iOS available, fixing that weird text encoding problem in …

: Added Lillihub to the third-party apps featured on the New Post → “Show native apps” …

: Improved a few things with the recommendations page linked from a Micro.blog profile. Now includes …

: Strata — our new app for private or shared notes — has been updated to version 1.0.5, adding a …

: Fixed AI-generated bookmark summaries that may have been blank recently because of OpenAPI limits.

: Wavelength 1.2 is now available. This is our iPhone app for recording, editing, and publishing short …

: Updated the recommendations feature in Micro.blog with a few improvements, including editing …

: The new blogroll shortcode plug-in has been updated with some improvements, including a name …

: Fixed a couple issues with blogrolls: importing OPML with outline groups, errors on recommendations …

: Blogrolls are making a comeback! New post from Manton and a help page with some more technical bits.

: We’re testing a new version of our iOS app Wavelength for recording and publishing short …

: Micro.blog for iOS has been updated, fixing a problem with the share sheet sometimes immediately …

: Fixed an issue with broken photo links when using the CDN with a separate domain name and subdomain …

: Epilogue for iOS has been updated to version 1.8.1, changing the book details cover menu to a single …

: Fixed a new issue with Bluesky cross-posting, introduced when we added hashtag support yesterday. If …

: Improved cross-posting error logging, also fixing a potential issue with @-mentions in cross-posted …

: Fixed duplicate Bluesky handles being included in manual cross-posting if multiple feeds.

: Added option for monthly email newsletters to collect posts from any category. Added support for …

: Micro.blog for iOS has been updated to version 3.2.2, fixing a few issues and adding Markdown syntax …

: Fixed a few additional issues with Micro.blog complaining that a blog had expired or that payment …

: Fixed push notifications for Micro.blog on iOS. Fixed an issue with 30-day trials for new users. …

: Updated web notebooks to remember last notebook used. Fixed error trying to mute emoji.

: Improved photo quality when cross-posting to Bluesky. Also fixed an issue with Bluesky verification …

: Added muting words or phrases to the timeline! On the web, click Account → Edit Muted and Blocked …

: Adjusted right margin in mobile and macOS apps to better use the full window width.

: Improved the manual cross-post option for Bluesky to include multiple choices if you have more than …

: If you often look at Account → “View logs” and noticed they’re a little sparse …

: Fixed Bluesky photo cross-posting. This stopped working a couple days ago because of a Bluesky API …

: New companion iOS app updates are out: Strata 1.0.4: Adds an option to show the notes secret key, …

: Added an option to convert a single-page site to a full blog using Micro.blog Premium. You should …

: Our new notes app Strata has been updated to version 1.0.3, fixing the color for Markdown headlines. …

: Fixed an issue with brand new users not being able to upgrade to a paid plan.

: This week we launched a new pricing model with up to 5 blogs for Micro.blog Premium. See …

: We are cleaning up old customer subscriptions today, fixing things such as being accidentally …

: Fixed an issue with newer versions of Mastodon not being able to follow Micro.blog accounts with …

: Fixed an issue with microblog posts showing up in the timeline even when your source feeds are set …

: Released new version of Strata, version 1.0.2, with some additional fixes and minor improvements.

: Fixed problems with newer versions of Mastodon following Micro.blog accounts.

: Micro.blog is back online, but some data is still being updated, so the timeline might be a little …

: Sorry for the downtime. We had a server fail and it took too longer to recover it. Looking into how …

: Fixed problems loading the Shared tab in notes sometimes.

: Hope everyone is having a good weekend. A few changes today: Added new dark mode colors for …

: Updated the Mac version of Micro.blog to version 3.1.3, fixing issues with the notes feature. This …

: Added status of active subscription and when it will be renewed to Account → View Subscriptions.

: Fixed profile popover menu on the web for small screens so you can scroll to the bottom, to actually …

: Updated the Mac app to version 3.1.2, fixing more issues setting up the new notes feature for the …

: Added the notebook color to the notes settings page. Click the color circle to change the color. (No …

: Updated Micro.blog for macOS to version 3.1.1, fixing an issue checking if the notes feature should …

: Added new “notes” feature for Micro.blog Premium. Check out Manton’s blog post …

: Updated the “Search page” plug-in to add a q URL parameter, so you can link directly to …

: Optimized a few parts of blog publishing performance, especially for folks who are using book …

: Fixed continuing to send posts to the fediverse even after you migrated your profile to another …

: Fixed the blog post preview button when starting a new post from a highlight or from other screens …

: Added support for Bluesky’s domain name verification. If your blog domain on Micro.blog is the …

: Fixed an issue installing the “No robots” plug-in on test blogs (or tweet archive blogs) …

: Added links to the new Firefox and Chrome extensions from the “…” menu in …

: Fixed some issues related to category names that contain accents, ampersands, and other special …

: Created a new browser extension for Firefox and Chrome. You can search the Firefox add-ons directory …

: Added a new experimental feature for bookmarks in Micro.blog Premium where the text of a web page …

: Improved a few minor things in the new cross-post button on the Posts page, such as fixing duplicate …

: Added a new cross-post button on the Posts page, to make it easy to manually copy a post to another …

: Fixed an issue when creating a “/” redirect (for redirecting an entire domain, like when …

: Added a new type of hosted site we’re calling a “single-page web site”, included …

: Added an OPML export option for who you’re following, under Posts → “…” → …

: Added a little replies indicator on the Posts page, to make it easier to jump between your posts …

: Fixed the layout of the email newsletters confirmation page for your blog.

: Fixed a couple issues with archiving links, including potential duplicate links and missing images. …

: Added a JSON Feed to complement the new webmentions page. This is available under …

: Fixed a couple glitches overnight. If anything was slow to process, it should be updated now. Thanks …

: Added a new page to show incoming webmentions to your blog. You can find it under Account, near the …

: Added a new export option to download an archive of your blog as static HTML files, with all the …

: There’s a new plug-in called “Newsletters page” for folks who have enabled email …

: Fixed some new errors or slowdowns in publishing today, for blogs with email newsletters enabled. …

: A few little improvements inspired by this thread in the Help Center… Conversation pages now have an …

: Fixed an issue with book reading goals on your blog where sometimes not all books were included.

: Added support for Mastodon’s “indexable” field so that Micro.blog posts are …

: Fixed layout for linking to a book if the user isn’t signed in.

: Fixed a fediverse compatibility problem with GoToSocial.

: Fixed a new performance issue. Long story short with these recent changes, adding Mastodon post …

: Fixed another new issue with some posts not federating to Mastodon, and better handling of sending …

: Fixed a performance regression with short posts not appearing in the timeline right away. Tweaked …

: Fixed sending extra activities to Mastodon and other fediverse servers, and a new issue today …

: Fixed a new issue that could sometimes cause a microblog post to be included twice in the timeline.

: Improved blog category names to better support more languages and special characters. You can now …

: Fixed the Blog Archive export on the web when there are Hugo shortcodes used. Micro.blog now makes …

: Fixed potential issue with posting where uploaded photos weren’t available immediately, …

: Fixed a couple ActivityPub issues, included sending language (if it’s set in Account) to …

: Added some new logging to help troubleshoot potential cross-posting issues. Now before …

: Removed relayable.org from our default list of Nostr relays because of recent errors.

: Added fediverse-compatible editing for blog posts. You’ve always been able to edit microblog …

: Fixed an issue with showing the cross-posting services list for some accounts with multiple feed …

: Fixed layout for profile and other pages when not signed in to Micro.blog.

: We’ve rolled out a small design update to Micro.blog on the web, moving the sidebar to the …

: Fixed a couple bugs in the Micropub endpoint and improved consistency of JSON params. Updating docs …

: Fixed opening photos from the timeline on iOS and Android.

: New posts were not working for about a minute today because of an error. Fixed now. If your post got …

: We are looking into problems with new blogs getting HTTPS set up properly, leading to browser …

: Improved book covers when posting end of year goals using Epilogue to prefer showing custom book …

: Added a block option on someone’s user profile on the web. We’ve had blocking for a …

: Fixed a couple issues that were contributing to performance problems. Publishing should be faster …

: Fixed pulling in the account description text when following Bluesky users.

: Added Nostr logging to Account → View logs, and fixed saving new Nostr note ID to use in blog …

: Added the option to hide special pages like Replies, Archive, and others from the navigation menu of …

: Fixed an issue on the Design page showing the status of transferred domain names. (Did you know you …

: Fixed an issue with deleted posts hanging around longer than they should, or popping back on your …

: Added better support for blocking specific ActivityPub servers, like all of Meta’s …

: Added a couple more Nostr relays to our list for sending out your blog posts. Now includes: nos.lol, …

: Fixed a few issues with blank profile photos, metadata for Threads users, and other related …

: Added the option to change a book cover when editing it. Click Edit on a book on the web version of …

: Fixed potential errors when searching for some Mastodon usernames in Discover → Search.

: Fixed a server problem that was really ruining Micro.blog performance the last couple of days. …

: Fixed following Threads users from Micro.blog. Threads has this enabled on a very small number of …

: Deployed a few optimizations that should relieve stress on our servers after today’s …

: Micro.blog was down again. We are very sorry for the downtime. Continuing to monitor the servers and …

: Micro.blog was down for a few minutes because of a server failure. Lots of traffic and high load …

: Added the current blog name when editing a post on the web. Also smarter about showing which …

: Added keyboard shortcuts to the reply text box on the web. Bold, italics, and command-return to send …

: If you noticed that the Edit buttons on the Posts page on the web seemed a little bit smaller, it …

: Updated automatic podcast transcription using AI magic to allow files up to 25 MB instead of limited …

: Micro.blog went down briefly today. Sorry! Should be running smoothly again. We are working on how …

: Fixed problems setting the correct Mastodon profile name and URL when receiving webmentions from …

: Improved profile photo size on smaller mobile screens like the iPhone Mini.

: Fixed the newsletter intro text box so it scrolls properly for longer text.

: Added paging through your replies and search on the web. Can be a little sluggish, so we’ll …

: Fixed some sporadic errors loading profile photos. This could also lead to errors loading bookmarks …

: Added support for uploading .mobi and .epub files.

: Fixed accidentally loading too much JavaScript. Home page may be a tiny bit faster on first load.

: Added domain transfers, improved DNS management for adding records.

: Added bookmarks import from Raindrop.io, and fixed tags import from Pocket.

: Fixed accidentally showing “Show More” button when browsing bookmarks in the iOS and …

: Improved the error logging for Hugo 0.117. Also cleaned up the errors so they look a little nicer.

: Fixed some missing recent followed users that were temporary reset yesterday. This should also fix …

: A couple updates after the server failure today: You may have noticed some recent replies missing …

: We had some downtime today after one of our servers crashed. The platform is coming back online now, …

: Fixed a temporary glitch with the new post page on the web, along with some other behind-the-scenes …

: Added import for Write.as blogs, and improved the list of services on the import page so it’s …

: Updated drafts editing on the web to show cross-posting services, so you can change where a post …

: Fixed caching photos in the timeline to not strip colorspace. This combined with a change last week …

: Fixed potential error getting highlights from the API for some bookmarks.

: Fixed some photo uploads that temporarily broke after an improvement was rolled out today. Apologies …

: Improved how photos are processed when uploaded to your blog, better preserving the colorspace of …

: Added some more logging for cross-posting, to help troubleshoot issues. Micro.blog now tries to log …

: Improved the publishing progress bar on the web. Also now hides the text box after posting instead …

: Micro.blog is coming back online after significant downtime today from a server failure. We will be …

: Updated ActivityPub support for replies to attach photos/videos when sending to Mastodon and other …

: Added support for Mastodon’s “follow” box. If you’re browsing Mastodon but …

: Released Micro.blog 2.0 for Android. This version adds a system share action, so you can start a new …

: Added new endpoint in the books API to change the book cover used for one of your books. Future apps …

: Updated the Font Awesome plug-in with the latest set of icons, like the Threads logo. It even has …

: Updated Micro.blog to support Bluesky replies sent via Bridgy. For full-length blog posts that link …

: We’ve started moving away from the label “Mastodon-compatible” and instead to …

: We’ve updated Micro.blog for Android to version 1.9.1 today, fixing several issues and …

: You can now have multiple “finished” bookshelves to track books, for example for …

: Fixed a potential issue with errors saving the Account screen, fallout from the new language setting …

: Fixed accidentally hiding the Uninstall button for disabled plug-in themes. Also improved the …

: Added a default language option to the Account screen. This will initially be used to tell other …

: Updated the ActivityPub profile information to include url, which fixes compatibility with …

: Fixed accidentally creating duplicate links in the Links tab for some blog posts.

: Fixed some photo URLs on certain blogs with custom domains not loading from the CDN correctly.

: Fixed Conversation.js links using wrong username for some URLs.

: Added newsletter email address import to help migrate subscribers from other platforms.

: We’ve finished recovering from an outage at our hosting provider Linode. All photo uploads …

: Improved the book cover thumbnails in Bookshelves to all be the same size.

: Updated the photo thumbnails in Uploads on the web to be square. This makes for a nicer grid and …

: We’re seeing some intermittent slowness today on the platform. Looking into it and expect …

: Fixed hang when saving blog settings with a different custom domain name for some sites with …

: We’ve released Micro.blog 1.9 for Android, adding search of your posts and pages, bookmark …

: Fixed conversation on blogs to not accidentally show replies that have been hidden by the curation …

: Added a progress bar on the web for background publishing. It might be a little sporadic right now …

: Improved formatting of Account → View logs. Added new Errors tab to only see recent publishing …

: Some parts of Micro.blog are slower than usual today, including updating the timeline. We are …

: Released version 3.2 of Micro.blog for iOS, adding a new bookmark tags interface for Micro.blog …

: Fixed button not updating when scheduling posts on the web.

: Fixed newsletter email sending after a recent change.

: We are now rolling out updates to all the built-in themes for compatibility with Hugo version 0.117. …

: Fixed Bluesky cross-posting truncation when blog post was longer than 300 characters.

: Fixed cross-posting photos for Mastodon and Pixelfed including tiny thumbnails for full-length blog …

: Added standalone pages to the WordPress (WXR) export format, in addition to blog posts.

: Unusually high background task load was messing up a few things in Micro.blog. We’ve rolled …

: Updated feed processing to include photos from pixelfed.social Atom feeds.

: Added full URL with hostname to transcript links. Fixed handling photos in Hugo front matter if the …

: Fixed latest bookmark not always immediately appearing in list after bookmarking a web page.

: Improved reliability of cross-posting by adding more retry attempts for failed image uploads.

: We’ve released the first beta of Micro.blog 3.2 for iOS. This adds a bookmarks highlights …

: The hosting service responsible for our help center discussion forums appears to be having trouble. …

: Added date picker to scheduling posts on the web.

: Troubleshooting some server slowness this morning. Apologies for any errors that might pop up while …

: Added “date read” to the Goodreads CSV import. Added HTML tag s (strikethrough) to the …

: Added Hugo version 0.117 as an option on the Design page for your blog. The default is still Hugo …

: Released a new version of Micro.blog for macOS, fixing a bug and adding a new window to show all …

: Epilogue 1.6.1 for Android is available. This adds an updated profile screen with book post editing, …

: Fixed a couple issues importing Markdown files with certain categories and title quoting.

: Fixed error with handling some type of photo upload requests from Quill.

: Added Open Library button to the individual book pages, in addition to Amazon, Goodreads, and …

: Epilogue 1.7 for iOS is now available, adding a posts list in the profile screen with any blog posts …

: This week we added Pixelfed as a cross-posting option for your blog photos. We now have 8 …

: Background feed tasks are running a little slowly today, which will show up as …

: Moved the bookshelves export and import options under a new “…” button, to make …

: Improved the Highlight button for Micro.blog Premium when in reading mode to center the button over …

: Added tags to bookmarks JSON Feed. Updated front matter with new parameter location with url, name, …

: Another update to Micro.blog for Mac is out today with more bug fixes. Special thanks to @otaviocc …

: Fixed potential errors in Mentions tab in mobile apps if a user was deleted. Added location metadata …

: There’s a new release of Epilogue for iOS now available, version 1.6: Added signing up using …

: Fixed loading the wrong profile from ActivityPub usernames using custom domain names when clicked …

: Fixed ActivityPub profile pages showing JSON instead of a web page.

: Updated the Mac version of Micro.blog with a few more improvements and bug fixes around bookmarks …

: Today we launched a new tags feature for bookmarks in Micro.blog Premium. Check out Manton’s …

: Fixed handling videos from Mastodon RSS feeds. Some layout and bookmarks tweaks ahead of new …

: Fixed saving bookmarks which was broken for a few minutes today. Sorry about that!

: We are fixing an issue with billing that sometimes caused unpaid invoices to remain in draft form …

: Fixed another issue with Mastodon replies and links to ActivityPub usernames that use @micro.blog …

: Fixed updating some blank book covers.

: Fixed dates in email newsletters not taking into account time zone, so often being off by one day. …

: Sign in with Apple is now available on the web! Skip the usual sign-in emails and get signed into …

: We’ve shipped Micro.blog 3.1 for iOS! Get the update in the App Store. Video upload, …

: Fixed a bug that prevented Mastodon replies from reaching their users on the Mastodon side, when …

: Added video thumbnails to the Uploads section of Micro.blog on the web, if Micro.blog has generated …

: Fixed an additional video upload issue for some orientations and sizes. I think we’re good …

: Fixed issue with uploading some videos where the resulting video would not play.

: For folks using the TestFlight beta, we’ve posted a new beta with some little improvements to …

: Fixed more issues with importing from a Goodreads CSV file.

: Fixed an issue processing some Substack feeds. Also now prefers the full-length text of a post …

: Fixed profile photos sometimes being overwritten by cached images from Mastodon. Fixed duplicate …

: Fixed a few problems with Goodreads CSV import. Should more reliably fill in missing book metadata …

: Reminder that Twitter cross-posting is going away July 15th because of Twitter API changes. It had a …

: Fixed an error with some bookmarks for Micro.blog Premium when clicking the Highlights or Links …

: Fixed accidentally showing incomplete archived links for non-Premium subscribers.

: Changed the Design page to simplify things a little. Podcast settings are now behind a …

: A few changes: Fixed errors signing in after setting the mobile phone number if the format or …

: Added a “phone” field to your Account page on the web. If you add your phone number, …

: Updated some upload serving to redirect to the CDN if it’s available, to improve performance. …

: Investigating some intermittent errors today because of degraded performance at our hosting …

: A collection of fixes this morning: Improved deleting posts across all servers. Added alt text to …

: Released a new Mac version with better publishing status and a bunch of other little fixes. Full …

: We updated the Android version of Micro.blog to version 1.8 with a bunch of bug fixes. See the help …

: Micro.blog 3.0.4 for iOS We’ve released an updated version with these changes: Improved font size to better match system …

: Added a link to the new Libby sync under Bookshelves → Import. People using Libby to manage their …

: Updated the books API to have a read-only type field for bookshelves. This can help clients that …

: Fixed video format when uploading some videos that would not play in Safari. Unfortunately if you …

: Happy Monday! Improvements to start the week: Added a 📝 tab to the Uploads page (Micro.blog …

: Improved some of the spacing and menus in bookmarks on mobile web browsers.

: Fixed issues with blank text archives for Micro.blog Premium for some web pages.

: Added Discover tab to Bookshelves and Goals pages on the web, to better integrate browsing book …

: Added two new emoji to Discover: 🧘 for meditation and 🎭 for theater. Also added 🏳️‍⚧️ to LGBTQ+ in …

: We’ve updated the TestFlight beta for Micro.blog to include several more bug fixes that will …

: Added cross-posting info available to themes and plug-ins. See documentation on the help site. Still …

: Big improvements to uploaded filenames: When uploading a photo on the web, Micro.blog now tries to …

: Twitter has reinstated our application, so cross-posting will resume. Reminder that we have …

: Twitter cross-posting is not currently working because Twitter has suspended our app. We had planned …

: We’ve added a new Goals tab to the Bookshelves section of Micro.blog, to keep track of reading …

: Improved Uploads page on the web for Micro.blog Premium subscribers to include a toggle to only show …

: Fixed width editing email newsletters with some photos.

: Fixed caching issues for profile photos. Fixed book goals case-sensitivity for bookshelf names.

: Re-enabled Nostr cross-posting. Will be keeping an eye on whether the glitches have been fixed now. …

: Fixed an issue with some photo uploads being delayed making it to the CDN. Temporary disabled Nostr …

: Fixed videos embedded in Quotebacks embeds. Improved tap targets for post action links in native …

: A few updates this morning: Fixed not being able to set alt text on the web for photos with .jpeg …

: Fixed errors saving and sending newsletters that use custom CSS. Fixed getting wrong Tumblr hostname …

: Micro.blog 3.0.3 for iOS has shipped with improvements to the sharing extension and related fixes.

: One of our servers had a networking problem that caused some errors while using Micro.blog. Sorry …

: Some background tasks such as saving bookmarks and refreshing external feeds were slower than usual …

: Changed blog defaults to not automatically enable the CDN for new accounts. You can still enable it …

: Fixed an issue with the CDN not loading photos overnight.

: Added Nostr cross-posting. You can enable Nostr and any of the other platforms we support under …

: We rolled out a major change to email newsletters today. See Manton’s blog post and this help …

: Fixed issues handling .jpeg file extensions. Fixed recovering from Mastodon server errors.

: Added “Show More” button on the web in Discover, so you can scroll back to older posts.

: Some cross-posting and publishing improvements today: Improved reliability if there were any delays …

: Increased the maximum upload size to 75 MB, allowing longer podcasts and videos. Added .zip and .gz …

: Updated the iOS app to version 3.0.2, fixing a few more issues with external blogs.

: Added ⌘-return keyboard shortcut (control key on Windows) to submit a new post on the web.

: All of the official Micro.blog themes have now been updated with Microformats fixes and other …

: Feed refreshing and photo uploads were delayed. Things should be catching up now… Apologies …

: Renamed “Edit Feeds” to “Edit Sources”, to hopefully better convey that …

: Fixed progress spinner when saving bookmarks, showing errors. Fixed some photos with their own style …

: Updated blog categories to sort alphabetically in most places in the Micro.blog interface.

: Fixed email newsletter subject and footer to allow emoji.

: Added category option for weekly email newsletters. Now you can have Micro.blog collect posts from a …

: Fixed a temporary issue that lasted a few minutes this morning where posts were not properly added …

: Updated Micro.blog for iOS to version 3.0.1 with these changes: Fixed app freezing when swiping to …

: Released Micro.blog 1.7 for Android. Full release notes history in the Help Center.

: We are releasing version 3.0 of Micro.blog for iOS today! 🎉 One bug that snuck in that I want to …

: Updated deleting categories to clear the cache of posts for your blog, fixing categories lingering …

: Fixed not always redirecting your Micro.blog subdomain to your custom domain when first setting up …

: Fixed an issue with feed refresh and cross-posting delays after posting to your blog. Should be …

: Fixed another issue with uploads and blog publishing being delayed, which would cascade into …

: We’ve updated the beta iOS app to fix problems authorization with external Micropub servers, …

: Fixed a server problem that caused a large backlog of tasks overnight. Apologies for the delay. Any …

: Fixed issue automatically reloading feeds if the feed is used in multiple user accounts, and related …

: Added ⌘-K shortcut (control key on Windows) to start a Markdown link with the selected text in a new …

: Fixed problem cross-posting to Bluesky for some posts with links.

: Fixed Bluesky sign in to better support domain name usernames. Rolled out some other performance …

: Added text on the Bookmarks page to let people know about Micro.blog Premium features they’re …

: We are monitoring some performance problems because of unexpected server load. Thanks for your …

: Fixed problem in Micro.blog Premium saving links in blog posts multiple times.

: Fixed error when adding a new blog on the Micro.blog Family plan. Oops! You can now upgrade your …

: Fixed another link issue with Bluesky cross-posting when needing to truncate the post because …

: Revamped direct messages from Mastodon to no longer send an email. Instead you’ll see a …

: Temporary disabled direct messages from Mastodon while mastodon.social is being overrun by Bitcoin …

: Fixed link position in Bluesky cross-posting for microblog posts that contained emoji.

: Added web page titles to Bookmarks → Links tab. If you don’t have Micro.blog Premium, …

: Fixed new auto-complete usernames in dark mode.

: Added username auto-complete to the post and reply text boxes on the web. Still a bit quirky so …

: Fixed emails not being delivered. This was a server problem that affected sign-in emails, …

: Fixed errors with Twitter cross-posting. Reminder that photos are no longer copied to Twitter. Only …

: Added ⌘-B and ⌘-I keyboard shortcuts (control key on Windows) for bold and italics in web post …

: Added a web server back that we had recently taken out of rotation. Should improve reliability of …

: Optimized a few things under the hood. Loading the initial timeline should (sometimes) be faster.

: Improved Bluesky cross-posting with inline HTML links.

: Added a new pronouns field to Account on the web. This is included at the end of your “about …

: Added posts import for Substack. We do not yet support importing subscriber email addresses.

: Fixed a bug with Bluesky cross-posting that didn’t auto-link URLs that are appended to a post, …

: Added Bluesky as an option for cross-posting. Bluesky is currently in beta and has a waiting list to …

: Added sync to Readwise.io when making new highlights. Older highlights will need to be exported and …

: Redesigned bookmarks page for Micro.blog Premium subscribers. Tabs to switch between bookmarks, …

: Fixed refreshing old profile icons for bookmarked web sites, so you don’t see blank icons as …

: Fixed layout of Plans page on mobile. Fixed hidden Twitter archive upload button when using …

: Fixed ActivityPub to support audio file attachments in posts from other services. Added a convenient …

: Improved a couple more things with processing very large Twitter archives. Uploads should be faster …

: Fixed the tweets import for very large archives that Twitter splits into multiple parts. Micro.blog …

: Added a “Verify” button next to verification code when signing in on the web. If …

: Fixed saving blog settings being very slow or timing out when changing the domain name.

: Fixed an issue processing tweets archives if they were re-zipped. Micro.blog isn’t as strict …

: Fixed an issue with tweets import where your theme wasn’t copied to new blog. If you’ve …

: Added new tweets import. See Manton’s blog post for details.

: We’re rolling out some Twitter plumbing changes today and tomorrow. Not expecting any downtime …

: As we attempt to adapt to Twitter’s API changes, there may be some rearranging of deck chairs. …

: Improved the uploads page on the web to show video icons and file extensions where appropriate for …

: Added post_id to the front matter of blog posts, for use in Hugo templates. This is …

: Added audio file size and duration to podcast XML feeds for new uploads. In the Hugo front matter, …

: Changed mini photo thumbnail previews for full-length blog posts to expand to full-sized images when …

: We’ve updated our privacy policy with a note that we’re now sending podcasts through …

: Added .webp and .ico to theme and plug-in cloning from GitHub. Previously Micro.blog would skip …

: Added an experimental change when signing in to allow pasting in a verification code from the …

: Fixed a couple bugs with the new feature to migrate followers from Micro.blog to Mastodon.

: Added experimental feature for Micro.blog Premium subscribers to archive a copy of web pages you …

: We’ve finished enabling ActivityPub for all users (who haven’t opted out) and added a …

: We are continuing to enable ActivityPub for everyone on Micro.blog, but we’re now only sending …

: Fixed @-mentioning Mastodon users in a normal blog post, not a reply. Previously it did not properly …

: Fixed some problems with editing drafts and scheduling posts.

: Fixed an issue that would cause new Mastodon username searches to fail.

: Fixed uploading photos in HEIC format so they are converted to JPEG for serving and stripped of …

: When the CDN is enabled, blogs will now use it for audio and video too, not just for photos.

: Fixed saving title for bookmarked web pages.

: Improved checking feeds. Should be faster now to get posts into the timeline, especially from …

: There was another server issue that may have caused some erratic behavior in Micro.blog. Should be …

: Fixed an issue loading photos from our CDN after an expired certificate. Apologies for the downtime!

: We had some connectivity problems at our hosting provider this morning that seemed to introduce …

: Changed all hosted blogs to use the CDN for images. It will be enabled next time you post. This will …

: Updated our Discover challenge photos grid to use the CDN.

: Added an Export button to download your highlights (with bookmarked URLs) for Micro.blog Premium …

: Fixed errors if the bookmarked “read” links are shared to other users. It now redirects …

: Changed the default character limit to 300 characters. Full details in Manton’s blog post …

: Improved photo caching to not strip all EXIF metadata when there is no GPS location information. …

: Fixed cross-posting for posts that are automatically imported to a hosted blog from an external …

: Overnight and this morning we seem to be under significantly more load than usual, causing some …

: Added new “Show Cross-posting” menu item to Micro.blog on the web and macOS. Select …

: Fixed an issue (from a recent related bug fix) that could cause publishing errors for some blog post …

: Micro.blog for Android has been updated to version 1.5 with posts editing.

: Enabled spell checking as you type in new posts for desktop web browsers. For mobile, the best …

: Fixed some Mastodon accounts accidentally including “acct” in the username.

: Added support for Mastodon profile header images. Upload a new image in Account → View Mastodon …

: Fixed a bug when deleting blogs that didn’t properly reflect how the subscription had been …

: Fixed sending webmentions when endpoint did not include a URL scheme.

: Fixed an issue with multiple blogs (especially if posting to a shared blog in a Micro.blog Family …

: Updated Epilogue for iOS to version 1.5.2, fixing a few issues with the reading goals text and book …

: Added support for showing Mastodon custom emoji. Micro.blog will ask an instance what custom emoji …

: Fixed not including links when cross-posting text to Mastodon for some posts.

: Fixed an issue with Micro.blog not regularly refreshing some older feeds, especially if they were …

: Rolled out design improvements to the home page (if you’re signed out), sign in, and …

: We upgraded one of our servers last night for hosted blogs. No downtime, just more space and a …

: We had a server problem that was making some blog posts not get published consistently. It is fixed …

: Changed cross-posting to send up to 500 characters to Mastodon. Also improved retrying if a Mastodon …

: Fixed the icons for the plug-ins Gateway and Font Awesome. A new version of these plug-ins can be …

: Fixed a couple issues with bookmarking URLs (like tweets) that didn’t contain any meaningful …

: We’ve updated the Micro.blog 3.0 beta on TestFlight with some additional improvements. If you …

: Fixed some issues looking up Mastodon users and duplicate references in Micro.blog.

: Micro.blog for Android is back in Google Play. Version 1.4 includes several improvements and bug …

: Improved ActivityPub to send photos to Mastodon without going through the Micro.blog timeline photos …

: Improved cross-posting to try to change Markdown/HTML block quotes to include quoted text.

: Improved cross-posting to Mastodon (and other services) to better preserve multiple paragraphs from …

: Updated Micro.blog to use Mastodon’s “shared” inbox, for more efficient sending of …

: Fixed accidentally sending posts from RSS feeds to Mastodon multiple times, over and over. Would not …

: ActivityPub posts to Mastodon are slower than usual today because of slow responses and timeouts …

: Changed Mastodon profile pages on Micro.blog to not be indexed by Google.

: Fixed sending video in blog posts to Mastodon.

: Added import/export of Mastodon’s CSV format for who you are following. Access it under …

: Fixed showing videos from Mastodon posts, not just replies. Fixed formatting for block quotes sent …

: We are slowly enabling ActivityPub support for more users. If you haven’t added a …

: Added replying to Mastodon direct messages. When you receive a message, Micro.blog will forward it …

: Fixed federating replies to Mastodon when you’re replying to your own post without mentioning …

: Changed Mastodon @-username links to just include the first part of the username, not the full name …

: Improved checking older feeds that were sometimes skipped, especially for inactive users.

: Fixed videos in posts from Mastodon.

: Fixed issues uninstalling the last theme plug-in. Also now shows current theme at top of plug-ins …

: Fixed push notifications in the Micro.blog iOS app.

: We are upgrading a server today to fix some continued intermittent problems with blog publishing. …

: There were some intermittent problems with posts publishing to blogs today. Should be resolved.

: Enabled photos CDN for new accounts by default. Fixed book search error for some searches with …

: Improved archiving bookmarked Mastodon pages so it includes the real post text, not a JavaScript …

: Improved books import compatibility with LibraryThing.

: Fixed an issue with renaming the custom domain for your blog that could cause broken links in the …

: After faithfully serving us for 896 days uptime, one of our servers needs a quick upgrade. I’m …

: Updates to and from Mastodon are quite delayed this morning. We are monitoring it, and expect …

: Fixed handling Mastodon replies from Brid.gy.

: Fixed an issue processing incoming webmentions to Micro.blog conversations.

: Fixed an issue with the CDN sometimes caching a redirect for a broken image, leading to blank images …

: Fixed accessibility text on photos sent to Mastodon via ActivityPub.

: Fixed a problem with new posts not showing up in the timeline or sent via cross-posting right away.

: Fixed an issue that could some recently cancelled subscriptions to prompt for payment again.

: Extended blog hosting trials to last 30 days instead of 10 days.

: Fixed allowing special characters and emoji in Design → Edit CSS.

: Released Micro.blog 2.7 for macOS with new icon, click interaction in timeline, and bug fixes.

: Changed XML-RPC so that new posts from MarsEdit and other apps will automatically link usernames. No …

: Fixed adding new reading goal for 2023 in the goals API (and so Epilogue).

: Added a “finished date” field when editing a book on the web. This will initially be …

: While updating book covers, we inadvertently reset some dates for books, so you may see the sorting …

: Fixed another server glitch that caused some errors in Micro.blog. Thanks for your patience.

: Fixed a server issue this morning that may have prevented some new blog posts from being published …

: Changed how we get book covers and metadata, fixing some issues with adding new books to your …

: Added books field to Hugo frontmatter with a list of ISBNs linked in the post. May not show up right …

: Fixed correcting missing book covers. When no cover in Open Library, will do a better job of trying …

: Fixed following redirects to discover feed of some non-Mastodon ActivityPub servers.

: Released new versions of Epilogue for iOS and Android, adding a new post screen to blog about books …

: Sorry for the downtime on Christmas evening! We had a server error that is now resolved. 🎄

: Fixed a JavaScript security problem with older versions of jQuery. Thanks @sod!

: Added new site param .Site.Params.feeds.bookmarks_json for plug-ins to access the URL for your …

: Fixed the “Show More” button on the web accidentally being hidden.

: Fixed a bug setting up Mastodon-compatible usernames for new users who register with the iOS app …

: We are experimenting with a change to require activating your subscription with a credit card before …

: Fixed new issue with archiving bookmarked web pages for Micro.blog Premium subscribers. Fixed a …

: Fixed server reliability because of bug responding to very slow Mastodon servers.

: Fixed potential downtime with new database optimizations. Apologies for some server recent …

: Added setting alt text when cross-posting to Twitter. Improved reliability of Mastodon cross-posting …

: Improved titles when bookmarking some web pages.

: Fixed replies to some Mastodon posts not working.

: Fixed an issue with updating some feeds that include links to Substack.

: Introduced a new content delivery network option for hosted images. Manton has the details on his …

: Fixed an issue with rssCloud support. Fixed some slowdowns in the following users page by …

: Fixed muting long Mastodon usernames.

: Fixed a security problem that could be exploited via JavaScript on some pages.

: Fixed an issue with new user registrations not completing.

: Fixed a server issue that caused some recent posts to not be fully published. We’ve …

: Added new “Aliases” page under Account → Mastodon to set up links between Micro.blog and …

: Added support for lang attributes in the timeline. Updated better use of the CDN for mobile and …

: Added new “Reveal token” link on the Account → “App tokens” page, so we …

: Fixed issue that caused posts to be duplicated in the timeline when receiving a reply from Mastodon …

: Added support for Mastodon “move” activity so that if Mastodon users you are following …

: Updated Mastodon hashtags to highlight in gray. Updated Mastodon-compatible usernames on Micro.blog …

: Fixed a recent source of server instability and performance problems. Fixed downloading recent posts …

: Fixed errors adding books from some Google Books results. Fixed errors when reporting users.

: Updated Micro.blog for macOS to version 2.6.1 with the following changes: Improved Mastodon …

: Fixed an issue with sending Mastodon replies that caused a preview link in Mastodon. Improved …

: Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 We’re taking a break for the day and will be catching up on any …

: Fixed push notifications for third-party app Gluon.

: Fixed an issue with importing Mastodon feeds.

: Added Mastodon user bio to profile pages in Micro.blog.

: Improved links in a post from Mastodon to display truncated in the native Micro.blog apps.

: Fixed a server configuration to improve performance. Updated our user search to work with more …

: Fixed accidentally sending incomplete posts to Mastodon before they’ve been updated from your …

: Fixed potential issue with verifying signatures from Mastodon posts. Did it cause actual problems? …

: Optimized a few more parts of our ActivityPub plumbing, fixing 502 and 503 errors that were common …

: Added support for ActivityPub “shared inbox”, optimizing how posts are added to …

: Fixed searching for Mastodon users on instances with “secure mode” enabled.

: Fixed an issue importing posts from a feed to your blog if an RSS feed item title was very long.

: Moved some resources like scripts and book covers to a content-delivery network to improve …

: We added a new setting under Account: “Show posts but no replies”. This is for people …

: Added support for searching for Mastodon users by their profile URL, not just their username.

: Fixed an issue with some Mastodon tools not finding the right Micro.blog profile page. Fixed …

: Added support for accessibility description (alt text) in Mastodon cross-posts.

: Added Mastodon-compatible username to profile pages for Micro.blog users who have it enabled. Links …

: Fixed Mastodon user search to work with users who have a redirect.

: Improved performance of deleting blog posts. Before, it could take too long for a deletion to be …

: Fixed an error that could happen when adding some books to bookshelves.

: Fixed timezone problems importing some RSS feeds, like from Letterbox. Fixed Micropub API posting …

: Adjusted mobile user search to limit results to users who have an “about me” profile …

: Changed read-later JSON Feed to include recent 100 bookmarks instead of everything.

: Fixed loading some profile photos for followed blogs. Fixed including alt text from Mastodon photos.

: Fixed a couple issues introduced today that could cause problems saving user accounts.

: We introduced big changes to our support for Mastodon and ActivityPub this week. See Manton’s …

: Updated the No robots plug-in to also add a noindex meta tag to tell Google and other search engines …

: Fixed a books API issue that would cause book covers to be blank in Epilogue’s Discover tab.

: Updated file or RSS feed import to include posts in upcoming newsletters, assuming they fall within …

: Fixed an issue with Goodreads import that could prevent the import from processing all books in the …

: Fixed missing covers in Epilogue in some cases. Discover books JSON now won’t have blank cover …

: Added reload button to themes template list to download templates from GitHub again. Good for theme …

: We added support for uploading multiple photos with a new post on the web. Details and screenshot on …

: Added option under Account → Edit Feeds to import posts to a blog from a feed. Does not currently …

: Added lazy loading for more profile photos.

: Added book cover thumbnails to Bookshelves page on the web. Shows about a dozen recent books and …

: Added re-creating the special About page if you create a blank page called About. The special page …

: Update mobile web pages for posting, posts, and uploads to improve layout and fix bugs.

: We updated Epilogue for iOS to version 1.4.3 with a couple tweaks including tapping and holding on …

: Epilogue has been updated to version 1.4.2, improving ISBN-13 lookup and updating the book list …

: Added “Show More” link to the Mentions screen in the iOS, Android, and macOS apps. …

: Added search box directly to Bookshelves page. Added support for media element in some Mastodon …

: Redesigned feeds page to more clearly show when cross-posting is disabled, grouping feed and …

: Fixed an issue preventing new photos from appearing in the Sunlit profile screen, and other apps …

: Fixed an issue threading replies from Mastodon into the Micro.blog conversation when the root …

: Epilogue was updated to version 1.4.1 with a few bug fixes.

: Improved how book covers are updated when it can’t initially find a good cover image.

: Updated the Design → “Edit CSS” screen to use a larger editor with much faster site …

: A couple weeks we changed how sign-in email links work to make them more secure, so they can’t …

: Fixed a potential issue that could cause photos to not be uploaded to our long-term storage if there …

: Epilogue for Android has been updated to version 1.2 with reading goals and the Discover screen. …

: Updated the “Default” theme plug-in to include author names on post pages for multi-user …

: We’ve released version 1.1 of Micro.blog for Android. It adds dark mode and a bunch of other …

: Updated Ghost file import to adapt to new changes in Ghost file format. Fixed accidentally …

: Fixed photo upload to no longer re-compress JPEGs if they are already small enough and have their …

: Added a few new API endpoints to our Books API for setting reading books.

: Fixed sorting of bookshelves so that newly finished books appear at the top. Improved updating best …

: Epilogue 1.3 for iOS has been released in the App Store! This version adds a new Discover tab for …

: Fixed compatibility with some ActivityPub servers that include multiple URLs for a post.

: There’s a new set of buttons in Micro.blog on the web to toggle the Posts section to a more …

: Improved managing feeds for multi-user team blogs. When inviting a member, their author-specific RSS …

: Fixed allowing emoji in blog titles.

: There’s been some sporadic downtime today because of high server load. Of course when @manton is on …

: There’s a new beta of Epilogue for iOS with a crash fix on iPad. We’ve been working on a …

: We’ve submitted a bug fix update for Sunlit to Apple. Improves scrolling performance and other …

: Increased the maximum text length of standalone pages.

: We added a delay to the new user profile popups, so they are less likely to get in the way while …

: Added profile popovers to Micro.blog on the web. Hover the mouse over someone’s profile photo …

: Micro.blog for macOS has been updated with these changes: Fixed dragging files from the Finder to …

: Micro.blog 2.5.3 for macOS is now available. This is a bug fix release with a bunch of fixes. Check …

: Fixed creating new categories from XML-RPC API for apps like MarsEdit.

: We released a bug fix update to Micro.blog for Android, version 1.0.1. You can see what’s new …

: Fixed an issue with the first reply from Mastodon to a post on Micro.blog not correctly threaded …

: There have been several new plug-ins added recently. “Photos page” by @kottkrig gives …

: Improved JSON API for /posts/discover/books to include book ISBN and cover URL.

: Updated Micro.blog for macOS with improvements to the Day One export and a bug fix.

: Changed the newsletter subscribers list to hide the email addresses by default. You can click to …

: Added a batch find-and-replace option to change multiple posts at once on your blog. Search under …

: Added a new “Publishing changes” status bubble to the lower-right corner of the web …

: Added experimental support for excluding a user profile page from being indexed by search engines. …

: Added new Photos tab to Find Plug-ins page as a quick way to find photo-related plug-ins. It’s …

: Fixed bug preventing some plug-in screenshots from loading thumbnail versions in Micro.blog.

: Rolled out a few changes this weekend: Improved keeping track of photo metadata for test blogs and …

: Fixed some issues with book cover URLs and Micropub errors when creating new very long categories.

: Fixed some inconsistencies in the dark mode version of Micro.blog on the web, for popup menu …

: Added a new photos_with_metadata field to the front matter available for processing with themes and …

: Added blog post versions to keep track of previous versions of a blog post when it’s saved. …

: Bookmarklet for saving web pages In the help page about bookmarks, we mention that you can bookmark a web page from your web browser. …

: It has been a busy last week at Micro.blog! Manton has released the complete draft of his book, we …

: Micro Camp kicks off in 24 hours! Have you registered yet? It’s free. We have a stellar lineup …

: Updates to Micro.blog Help In March 2021, we decided to move the Help documents to Discourse, and simultaneously create a forum …

: Micro.blog for Android is in Google Play as a public beta. It was recently updated with some more …

: A few new changes were rolled out in Micro.blog today, including better status of plug-in versions, …

: We usually update Micro.blog a couple times a week. Recent changes: Added photo to the top of …

: Micro.blog for macOS has seen a few updates since the start of 2022, adding a preview window, HTML …

: If you’re using a Micro.blog subdomain like you.micro.blog for your blog, you can register …

: Over the last couple of weeks we’ve updated most of our apps with bug fixes, including new …

: We had some downtime this morning because of a networking issue at one of our hosting …

: Micro.blog 2.2.1 for iOS has been released in the App Store with bug fixes for iOS 15.1. Full …

: We added a major new feature to Micro.blog Premium this week: email newsletters. Your blog readers …

: Micro.blog was down because of a server error that has now been resolved. Very sorry! Unfortunately …

: There was some brief unexpected downtime today during a server deploy, getting ready for a new …

: Not receiving push notifications? We think we’ve resolved the issue, although you may need to …

: Fixed a couple issues with following Micro.blog accounts from Mastodon. If you’re using a …

: Micro.blog for macOS has been updated to version 2.1.2 with several improvements. @manton has a blog …

: Some more Micro.blog fixes today: book search using Google Books, better sizing for Copy HTML button …

: If you missed last week’s changes, we rolled out much faster CSS editing and a new progress …

: A database migration (new feature coming soon!) took longer than expected today, which …

: Some of y’all noticed that profile photos weren’t always loading in the timeline this …

: There was a bug this morning affecting new @-mentions from showing up. Apologies if you received …

: Micro.blog was down in the middle of the night (@manton time). We’re sorry for the downtime. …

: As part of an upcoming server upgrade, if you are currently using Cloudflare with your custom domain …

: We hit a rate limit with HTTPS certificates today while rolling out a server upgrade. We’ve …

: There have been some errors with Micro.blog-hosted blogs today because of a server failure. …

: We’re running a little behind schedule with Micro Camp, so we’ve shifted some of the …

: Micro Camp is today! Check out micro.camp for the speakers, schedule, and registration link. …

: The downtime for hosted blogs should be mostly resolved now, but we are still keeping an eye on …

: We’ve announced the first set of speakers and live panels for Micro Camp 2021!

: We added a new pens emoji to Discover! @jean has the details in her post.

: Apologies for the downtime on help.micro.blog. It’s back online now. And you can always email …

: Parts of Micro.blog (for hosted blogs) will be down tonight at 11pm CST for maintenance at our …

: Looking for another great text editor for iOS and macOS that can post to Micro.blog? Ulysses is …

: We are looking into some new issues with posts and replies showing up in the timeline, and …

: Ulysses 22 is now available with support for publishing to Micro.blog. Manton has an overview blog …

: We launched a new Help Center this week, based on Discourse. It automatically uses your Micro.blog …

: The earlier issues of not updating the timeline right away should be resolving now. Sorry for the …

: If your posts are showing up on your blog but not in the timeline… We’re trying to fix …

: There has been some downtime at our DNS provider today that is affecting access to Micro.blog. We …

: Some parts of Micro.blog were slow this morning. We have temporarily disabled custom 404 pages, …

: If you’ve posted a photo for the challenge, you should see your new pin by going to your …

: One hour left. Post a photo before the 24-hour challenge window closes. Or just enjoy the 128 photos …

: Reminder: there are still 3+ hours left in A Day In The Life photo challenge. Here is a list of what …

: The 24-Hour Photo Challenge starts in less than 24 hours! Starting at 12 noon U.S. Central Daylight …

: There were glitches for some blogs and the Micro.blog timeline today after an SSL certificate …

: Press Release: Micro.blog 2.0 Makes It Easier to Customize Your Blog Micro.blog 2.0 Makes It Easier to Customize Your Blog, Adds Bookmark Archiving and Highlighting to …

: Bookmarks and highlights tour This 3-minute screencast video is a preview of upcoming features in Micro.blog 2.0, set to launch …

: Over on his blog, Manton has shared details and screenshots of new features coming in Micro.blog …

: Apologies for the HTTPS issue with Micro.blog today. Accidentally let the certificate expire despite …

: There was some unexpected downtime in parts of Micro.blog because of network maintenance problems at …

: The emoji sections of Discover have been updated to add a “Show More” button, to go …

: Sunlit 3.0 will ship on Tuesday, September 1st. @manton is highlighting a new feature each day over …

: We’re now into the fourth week of the photo challenge! The next 7 days of prompts have been …

: Fixed an issue with GitHub archiving and updated the help page with some tips. If you enable this …

: The third week of photo challenge prompts has been posted. Happy photo-blogging! 📷

: There will be some downtime for Micro.blog tonight at 11pm central time because of maintenance at …

: There’s going to be some downtime around 10pm central time tonight for maintenance at our …

: Prompts for the first 7 days of the August photo challenge have now been posted! Post a photo …

: Looking for a video walk-through of Micro.blog? The tutorial at ScreenCastsOnline is now available …

: Today we launched a brand new plug-in system for Micro.blog. Manton has an introduction on his blog, …

: We’ve rolled out a fix for importing from WordPress blogs. Recently, the import was missing …

: We fixed saving drafts on the web today, plus a handful of under-the-hood improvements in …

: The downtime was mostly the result of a networking issue at our hosting provider, but there is more …

: We’ve had some significant downtime since the early morning CST. Things are starting to come …

: Micro.blog was slow or down for a few minutes today. We also have a new status page at …

: Micro.blog has been updated with several improvements this week to make posting from the web easier. …

: While our hosting provider works on some emergency network maintenance, we’ve had to turn off …

: Upgrading a server this morning has introduced a glitch with publishing new blog posts. It should be …

: A server error tonight may have caused some new posts or photos to not appear on your hosted blog. …

: There was an outage at our hosting provider that also impacted Micro.blog. Sorry for the downtime! …

: Over the weekend I’ll be upgrading a couple servers. I don’t expect any downtime, but …

: Today we launched a new subscription for teams in Micro.blog. It’s designed for anyone who …

: A server failure today caused some recent uploads to be temporarily unavailable. It is fixed now and …

: We added 2 new help pages recently: updating your profile photo when using multiple blogs, and …

: Micro.blog for iOS was updated today with several bug fixes. You can download it in the App Store.

: There’s an update to Micro.blog for macOS available with better window resizing and fixed …

: We’ve updated the Micro.blog cross-posting to support LinkedIn again. If it stopped working …

: Interested in having your own podcast? @macgenie has a new series where she and @manton talk about …

: There was a server failure in the middle of the night (US-time) that affected hosted blogs. …

: We’re now offering teachers 6 months of free hosting on Micro.blog. For blog posts, podcasts, …

: Today we released an update to Micro.blog for iOS with several bug fixes. Over the weekend, we also …

: We are monitoring an issue that is preventing some sign-in or newsletter emails from being delivered …

: Sorry for the unexpectedly Micro.blog downtime. There was a server glitch that has now been fixed, …

: We’re going to take parts of Micro.blog down for an upgrade tonight, 11pm CST. Shouldn’t …

: Micro.blog was down this morning, but everything is back up. Thanks for your patience. Hosted blogs …

: It’s not just for Cyber Monday: you can always invite someone to Micro.blog and pay for a year …

: One of our photo storage servers failed overnight. It should be good now, but I’ll be …

: Fixed an issue this morning with category RSS feeds. Reminder that we have a help page with the …

: Another new feature for hosted blogs: filters can automatically assign categories to your blog posts …

: This week’s newsletter has links to the new domain name registration feature, the latest …

: The community is still growing, and not everyone is on Micro.blog yet. But you can also use your …

: This weekend we updated Micro.blog for iOS to version 1.7.2. The full release history is on the help …

: November is a great time to write. You can follow along in the Discover section for NaNoWriMo, or …

: We launched domain name registration today, to make it easy to get your own domain name for your …

: Sunlit 2.5.7 is available with several bug fixes and improvements. If you’d like a more …

: Micro.blog was down for a few minutes tonight for maintenance at our hosting provider. Hosted blogs …

: We’ve had to turn off cross-posting to Facebook because they have not re-approved …

: We updated Micro.blog for Mac today with a fix when running on macOS 10.15 Catalina. “Check …

: Micro.blog 1.7.1 for iOS is available in the App Store. Fixes a bunch of issues.

: Sometimes we’re asked how to add comments to hosted blogs using Disqus. The plan is still to …

: Hosted blogs on Micro.blog were down this evening, but everything is back up now. Sorry for the …

: Participating in Inktober? There’s a special pin on Micro.blog you can unlock. Post your …

: There’s a new filters interface in Micro.blog that can automatically set categories on your …

: We added importing from Ghost blogs. You can also import from WordPress, Medium, and Tumblr.

: If you used Sign in with Apple to register on Micro.blog using Apple’s private email relay, …

: Micro.blog version 1.7 for iOS is now available in the App Store. This version adds Dark Mode and …

: iOS 13 ships tomorrow. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Micro.blog update that includes Dark Mode …

: New feature if you use categories on your blog: we’ve added the number of posts for each …

: Backup archives to .bar format (a ZIP file with standalone HTML, JSON Feed, and photos) were …

: Like Tumblr? We’ve added or improved several Tumblr-related features this summer. …

: New features this week! It’s easier to follow Micro.blog users from Mastodon, and now hosted …

: We’ve added a new photos page for your blog. Manton has the details with a screenshot and …

: Fixed our LinkedIn cross-posting to adapt to a change in LinkedIn’s API. You can click Account …

: The series of performance tweaks we’ve made over the last week have started to add up to a …

: Sorry for the unexpected downtime today. One of our database servers temporarily imploded. …

: Hopefully a quiet Sunday evening, at least in parts of the world… I’m going to briefly …

: There will be some brief downtown around 10pm central time tonight for an upgrade at our hosting …

: Parts of Micro.blog will be down for an upgrade around 8pm central time. Hosted blogs will continue …

: Uploading photos will be temporarily disabled around midnight (central time) while we upgrade a …

: Wavelength has been updated to version 1.0.3, improving stability of the app.

: There’s an issue at our hosting provider that is impacting one of our photo storage servers. …

: We just fixed an issue (introduced last night) that prevented new posts from being saved in some …

: We’ve updated Sunlit and the Micro.blog iOS app this week with improvements to video upload …

: Sorry for the downtime! Micro.blog is back up now after being offline in the middle of the night (in …

: Version 1.5 of the iOS app is now available with support for setting post categories. Create new …

: We launched a bunch of new features this week: categories for posts, custom themes, and more. You …

: Last week we wrapped up the 12 days of microblogging series, covering photo blogs, microcasting, …

: There’s a new episode of Micro Monday out: This week, Khaled Abou Alfa discusses his …

: From the help account today: Apologies for some extra flakiness (and “not found” error messages) …

: Linkblogging is the topic for today’s 12 days of microblogging blog post: Micro.blog users …

: Welcome! The purpose of this microblog will be to write about recent changes to the platform or to …